
Partyin' at Barbie Club, Part 1

Almost 2 months ago, I had a visitor, Barbie, the Vintage Travel Doll. Vintage Travel Barbie (VTBarbie) is traveling the US, making new friends before she makes it to the National Barbie Convention, where she will be raffled off. I was lucky enough for her to visit close to her birthday. She arrived on March 10th and we went straight to my Barbie Club Meeting with the Windy City Collectors.

The crew was all there to welcome both VTBarbie and the Travel Ken.

Both Barbie and Ken introduced themselves...then it was time for the surprise...

A cake and candles!

The club sang to the Travel Ken, to Vintage Barbie and to Vintage Ken, who was also in attendance.

It was a great moment considering all that Ken has been doing to win Barbie back.

Another Barbie had a special cake for her Ken, and Vintage Travel Barbie helped to sing to him.

Vintage Travel Barbie us very friendly and walked all around the meeting to meet new friends.

This group was celebrating St. Patrick's Day. Boy, March sure is a busy month. Barbie's birthday on the 9th, Ken's birthday on the 13th and St. Patrick's Day on the 17th.

VTBarbie found yet another Ken and Barbie celebration!

And she found this Ken who'd had one drink too many!


  1. This is the cutest story ever. They had a good ol' time.

  2. Vanessa, you are so sweet!! Luv Ya!! --Pixxa
